Thursday, June 25, 2009

Nudey! Rudey! Pocket Cloth Nappies, my saviour!

I had always been apprehensive about cloth nappies. All I thought was they would be tedious and a hassle, until I was proved wrong by Nudey Rudey Nappies!

I placed an order for these nappies a while ago, to use with my son. I chose these because theyre made in NZ and are one size fits all, which is a huge money saver, especially when like me, you have more than one child. For one child, I was spending on around $25 per weeks worth of nappies. $1300 a year was just way too much money to be literally throwing away.

I was so excited when these funky bright coloured nappies arrived onto my babys bum, he was so proud of his 'panta pants' he refused to put trousers on!

The thing I like is that they have easy to use snaps and there is 30... yes THIRTY size combinations, which ensures your bub will have the most comfortable fit for them, not for Baby Joe Average.

You'd think its way more work using cloth nappies, but I found its the opposite. Used in combination with a flushable nappy liner, you simply have to dispose if the solids and the liner down the toilet and pull out the inserts and pop it in a lidded bucket until washing day. No more gagging as you dispose of a weeks worth of poop on rubbish day!

Gets yours now from !!

Hers a quick list of pros for easy reference:

Save big $$$

Eco friendly

Simple OSFA system

Lots of cute colours

Snug fitting around the legs, you'd be impressed at what it can contain!

Made in NZ by a Mum

high resale value when you are finished with them

choice of putting in more liners for heavy wetter

Great Value within the cloth nappy market

FREE postage within NZ

Helpful website, with video fitting guide and care guide